
Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The most amazing chocolate pie for lazy people

Ok, so I have to be totally honest upfront. None of the pictures linked to this post are mine. Not 1. I have borrowed them all from the net and for a very good reason... I have been banned from ever making this pie. Not because it is bad, or because it goes to waste, but because neither my best friend nor my husband have any control when it comes to eating it. Also, it and my butt have issues cause it is seriously rich and tempting to eat. So, I went and found photos on the net that look JUST like it, and used those, so that I don't need to actually make the darn thing.

I love this pie. It’s easy and if you have a sweet tooth then this will go down a treat. I love chocolate and the only saving grace that this pie has is that I find it physically impossible to eat more than a bowl full at a time.

My mom in law first made this pie and then made many small ones for my wedding dessert in 2002. She passed the basic recipe down to me and I have made it ever since.
Since then I have changed small things and have come up with the laziest, easiest chocolate pie on god’s green earth.

Now I do not claim to be the greatest cook/baker/chef/food mangler on earth, but I defy ANYONE to screw this up. Really.


1 Box/packet of biscuits (like Romany Creams or Ginger biscuits depending on what you like)

Ok so this is where this gets more or a "pick your own ending" kinda pie. You have a couple of options as to what you want to do starting with the base:

You can go for the traditional base of fine crushed Tennis biscuits or ginger or whichever you want. Finally crush 1 packet of biscuits and mix with 30ml of melted butter or margarine. Mix well and push firmly to base of pie dish

Alternatively, and this is the method I like, you can go with the lazy version that does not require hours of beating biscuits to death with a rolling pin:

Take one box of Romany creams. The chocolate ones with the vanilla icing in the middle. Break into chunky pieces. (A box allows for at least 3 to be eaten) place the pieces in the bottom of a pie dish so that the whole base is covered) don’t make the pieces too big.
The reason for using these specific biscuits is it gives a nice contrast with the dark chocolate filling.


To make the basic pie filling you will need:

1 Tin of Dessert Cream (the large one not the small one)
2 x 100grm Dark chocolate slabs (you can use milk choc, but it makes it TERRIBLY SWEET then)
(The above quantities are for pie using the fine crushed biscuit base method. If you using the lazy Romany cream one, double them)

Break the chocolate into pieces (do not eat any)
Take dessert cream. Pour into dish and microwave for a min or just over, until it just starts to bubble. Mix chocolate into cream until it is all melted in and mixed. 
Pour over biscuit base
(The reason that Romany cream biscuit base method needs the filling quantity doubled is because it filters down over the pieces as opposed to sitting on top of the fine crushed biscuit base)

Put in fridge and leave till set. This should take an hour or two.


Use 1 tin of cream and 2 slabs of dark chocolate for the initial filling and let set.
Once set, use 1 tin of cream and 2 x 100grm slabs of WHITE chocolate and pour over the set dark choc filling.
Let set

You can top it with cream, stick fruit on top, serve with glasses of Amarula (this I recommend), ice-cream....whatever floats your boat.

Basically, once you have the basic recipe figured out you can put your own spin on it and try other odds and ends.

Ok so there you go. This will be a staple emergency OMW we need dessert ASAP recipe. No mixers, no blenders, nothing but a bit of heat and a fridge.

With all that time on your hands after making this, I suggest sitting with a glass of wine and enjoying some peace, while licking out the bowl! 

Till later & happy baking


  1. Oh yes I remember those tiny tarts from the wedding, totally yum!

  2. oh my friggin HAT in a hand basket!!! When you making more!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. For safety and health reasons I only make this to order now. You give me the ingredients and i'l make it...that way I can't eat any of the pie....*drools gently*
