Now, far be it from me to claim to be the most up to date on the goings on around me but HOW DID I MISS THIS GEM?
Indigo girl, over a fantastic Spag Bol dinner (see here: ) was telling about the Tokai market that she would be working at this past Sat, and said I had to I did.
I got there at quater to 12 (its open from 9am - 2pm) and found the basics of a grand little market in one spot. Cheeses, pies, brownies, preserves, and ofcourse Indigo Girl manning the Obed's Kitchen stall.
Of course after I had browsed, tasting the olives from the olive guy, the cheese from the cheese guy and tasting all the other goodies that are on display, I made myself useful and jumped in to help Indigo at the stall. WHAT a blast. I chatted to people about everything from how to cook the perfect Rolled Roast Beef with Obed's mustard, to tempting people with a bit of bread with Hummus and chillies on top, to roasting Shank with caramalised onions... I think I had far to much fun.
After grabbing a cup of coffee, and buying a yummy Guinness and Steak pie (mmmmmmmmMMM!!) I ambled off to enjoy my finds after a perfect Saturday morning.
Sounds yummie! I love markets. Will definitely check this one out sometime. :)